Ask for More Jackson is happy to announce that the Ask for More Arts Exhibit is on display at the Jackson Medical Mall near the Security Station until May 31, 2019! We held an opening reception on Wednesday, May 15, 2019, to unveil all of the 2018-2019 Ask for More Arts Projects from Brinkley, Dawson, Galloway, Green, Johnson, Smith, and Walton schools.

Teaching artists from the community George Miles, Trianna Davis, and Kimberly Armstrong and Jackson State art students Rajavion Mackabee and LesTrina Davis worked with teachers and students in the schools to create final projects that reflect the theme “Honoring Our Past, Empowering our Future.” Artists shared their experiences in working with the students and arts integrated strategies and activities which was the framework for their projects.

This theme connects to the Ghanaian concept of Sankofa, which translates to “go back and get it,” or, more literally, “It is not wrong
to go back for that which you have forgotten.” The exhibits on display are:
And Yet
Past Plus Future
Mississippi Films
Honoring Our Past, Empowering Our Future Through Arts
Back to the Future
Cultural Influence
Painting the Future
Please come out to view the exhibits to show support for our students!